Puede consultar en la sección:   Biblioteca - Nariz y Senos 


   Capitulo 1.   Introducción.

  • Ballinger J. Clinical anatomy of physiology of the nose and accessory sinuses. Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1927.
  • Planes A. Fisiología de las fosas nasales y senos paranasales. Acta ORL Esp, 1978; nº extra. 105117.
  • Proetz AW. Applied physiology of the nose. Annals publishing Company, St Louis (USA) 1949.
  • Sahin-Yilmaz A, Naclerio RM. Anatomy and physiology of the upper airway. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2011;8(1):31-9.


   Capitulo 2.   Histología y morfología de la mucosa nasal.

  • Gibbins IL, Jobling P, Morris JL. Functional organization of peripheral vasomotor pathways. Acta Physiol Scand. 2003;177(3):237-45. [PubMed] 
  • Taylor M. An experimental study of the influence of the endocrine system on the nasal respiratory mucosa.  Laryngol Otol. 1961 Nov;75:972-7. 


   Capítulo 3. Fisiología de la mucosa nasal: función ciliar.

  • Afcelius B. Electron micrsocopy of the sperm tail. J Biophys Biochem Cytol 1959;5:269-278.
  • Andersen I, Cammer P, Jensen PL, Philipson K, Proctor DF. A comparaon of nasal and tracheobronchial clearance. Arch Environ Health 1974;29:2990-293.
  • Andersen I, Proctor DF. Measurement of nasal mucociliary clearance. Eur J Respir Dis Suppl. 1983;64:37-40.
  • Armengot M. Aportaciones al conocimiento del sistema de transporte mucociliar nasal humano. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Valencia. 1988. 
  • Armengot M, Basterra J, Garín L. Valores normales de aclaramiento mucociliar nasal. Comparación de distintas técnicas y substancias. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 1990;41:333-6.[Medline]
  • Cauna N, Cauna D, Hinderer KH. Innervation of human nasal glands. J Neurocytol. 1972;1(1):49-60.
  • Coromina J. Estudio comparativo de diversos métodos de medición del aclaramiento mucociliar. Su resultado en la rinitis alérgica y en la poliposis nasal. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Autónoma.Barcelona 1988.
  • Chevance L, Lennon L. Etude des rythmes du battement ciliaire. Acta Otolaryngol 1970;70:16-28.
  • Chilvers MA, O'Callaghan C. Analysis of ciliary beat pattern beat frequency using digital high speed imaging: comparison with the photomultiplier and photodiode methods. Thorax 2000;55:314–317.
  • Ducheteau GS, Gramans K, Ludera J, Merkus S. Correlations between nasal ciliary beat frequency and mucous transport beat in volunteers. Laryngoscope 1985; 95:854-859.
  • Friedmann I, Bird ES, Ciliary structure, ciliogenesis, microvilli. Laryngoscope 1971;81:1952-1868.
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  • Ho HC, Chan KN, Hu WH, Kan WK, Zheng L, Tipoe GL, et al. The effect of aging on nasal mucociliary clearance, beat frequency and ultrastructure of respiratory cilia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163:983-8.[Medline]
  • Ichimura K, Jackson R. H1 and H2 histamine receptors in the in vitro nsal mucosa. Acta otolaryngol 1985;99:610-619.
  • Jorissen M, Bessems A. Normal ciliary beat frequency after ciliogenesis in nasal epithelial cells cultured sequentially as monolayer and in suspension. Acta Otolaryngol 1995;115: 66–70.
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  • Kao CH, Jiang RS, Wang SJ, Yeh SH. Influence of age, gender and ethnicity on nasal mucociliary clearance function. Clin Nucl Med. 1994;19:813-6.[Medline]
  • Karisson G et al. The mucosa in inmunodeficience. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1985;100:456.
  • Kärjä J, Nuutinen J, Karjalaminen P. Radioisotopic method for measurement of nasal mucocilary activity. Arch Otolaryngol 1982;108:99.
  • Kawabata J, Paparella M. Atypical cilia in normal human and guinea pig middle aer mucosa. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1969;67:511.
  • Kawakami M. Symposium I: Mucocialry transport-fundamental and clinical aspects, part 1, ultraestruture of mucocliliary transport system. J Jpn Broncho-aesophagol Soc 1985;36:60.
  • Lindberg S, Runer T. Method for in vivo measurement of mucociliary activity in the human nose. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994;103:558–566.

  • Mygind N, Pedersen M, Nielsen M. Morphology of the upper airway epithelium. en: The nose. amsterdam: elservier Biomedical Press; 1982. pp 71-94.

  • Paltieli Y, Fradis M, Ben-David J, Podoshin L, Shiti H, Kam Z. In vivo measurement of human nasal mucociliary motility using a laser light scattering instrument. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1997;106:859–862.
  • Passali D, Bellusi L, Blanchini M, De Seta E. Experiences in the determination of nasal mucociliary transport time. Acta Otolaryngol. 1984;97:319-23.[Medline] 
  • Pedersen H, Mygind N. Absence of axonemal arms in nsal mucosa cilia in Kartagener ´s syndrome. Nature 1976;262:494-495.
  • Puchelle E, Aug F, Pham QT, Bertrand A. Comparison of three methods for measuring nasal mucociliary clearance in man. Acta Otolaryngol. 1981;91:297-303.[Medline]
  • Puchelle E, Aug F, Zahm JM, Bertrand A. Comparison of nasal and bronchial mucociliary clearance in young non smokers. Clin Sci. 1982;62:13-6.[Medline]
  • Quinlan MF, Salman SD, Swift DL, Wagner HN, Proctor Jr DN. Measurement of mucociliary function in man. Am Rev Respir Dis 1969;99:13–23.
  • Rossman CM, Lee RM, Forrest JB, Newhouse MT. Nasal ciliary ultra.structure and unction in patients wilh primary ciliary diskinesia compared with that in normal suhjects and in suhjects with various respiratory diseases. Am Rev Respir Dis 1984; 129:161-167.
  • Sakakura Y, Ukai K, Majima Y, Murai S, Harada T, Miyoshi Y. Nasal mucociliary clearance under various conditions. Acta Otolaryngol. 1983;96:167-73.[Medline] 
  • Stanley P, MacWilliams L, Greenstone M, Mackay I, Cole P. Efficacy of saccharin test for screening to detect abnormal mucociliary clearance. Br J Dis Chest. 1984;78:62-5.[Medline] 
  • Tasaka T, soto M, Onodara A. Atypical cilia of the human nasal mucosa. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1980;89:37.
  • Xu G, Bu G. The study of morphology and ultraestructure of nasal mucosa in four kinds of rhinopathy. Chin J Otolaryngol 1985;20:106.
  • Yoshihara T, Kanda T, Yaku Y, et al. An ultraestructural study of the nasalñ mucosa by rapid freezing and freeze-sustitution. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1986; 101:96.


   Capítulo 4.   Fisiología de la mucosa nasal: función secretora glandular.

  • Armengot M, Basterra J. Nasal mucociliary function in the normal newborn. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1995;22:109-113. 
  • Boat TF, Kleinerman J. Human respiratory tract secretions. Effect of cholinergic and adrenergic agents on in vitro release of prtein and mucous glycoprotin. Chest 1975;87:38-40. 
  • Ducheteau GS, Gramans K, Ludera J, Merkus S. Correlations between nasal ciliary beat frecuency and mucous transport rate in volunteers. Laryngoscope. 1985;95:854-9.[Medline]
  • Eccles R. Neurological and pharmacological considerations; pp 190-214. En The nose. Upper airway physiology and the atmospheric environment. amsterdam: elservier Biomedial Press, 1982.
  • Girod S, Zahm JM, Plotkowski C, Beck G, Puchelle E. Role of the physiochemical properties of mucus in the protection of the respiratory epithelium. Eur Respir J  1992;5:477–487.
  • Guillerm R, Badre R, Riu R, Le Den R, Fallot P. La rhinorheographie. Rev Laryngol 1967; suppl 3:45-60.
  • Guillerm R, Morcellet JL et al. Etude du drainage muco-ciliaire nasal chez l´homme par scintigraphies séquentielles d´une particule marquée au technitium 99. Ann otolaryngol (Paris) 1971;85:803-810.
  • Jolis R, Sauret J, Coromina J, Cornudella R. Determinación del aclaramiento mucociliar nasal mediante el test de la sacarina en diversas enfermedades respiratorias. Arch Bronconeumol. 1992;28:217-20.
  • Lucas A, Douglas L. Principles underlying ciliary activity in the respiratoy tract. Arch Otolaryng 1934;20:518.
  • Proctor D. The mucociliary  system. en: The nose. amstendam. elsevier Biomedical Press 1982. pp 245-270.
  • Proctor D. Nasal mucous tranport and our ambient air. Laryngoscope 1983;93:58-62.
  • Singh RM, Kumar A, Pathak K. Mucoadhesive in situ nasal gelling drug delivery systems for modulated drug delivery. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2013;10(1):115-30. [Medline]
  • Toremalm N. Aerodinamics and mucociliary function in upper airways. Eur J Respir Dis 1985;139:54-56.


   Capítulo 5.   Fisiología de la mucosa nasal: función vasomotora.

  • Anggard A. Capillary and shunt blood flow in the nasal mucosa of the cat. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78(5-6):418-22.
  • Anggard A, Densert O. Adrenergic innervation of the nasal mucosa in cat. A histological and physiological study. Acta Otolaryngol. 1974;78(3-4):232-41.
  • Anggard A. Parasympathetic influence on the nasal mucosa. Acta Otolaryngol. 1977;83(1-2):22-4.
  • Anggard A, Lacroix JS, Kubo N, Kumazawa T. Fireside conference 1. Autonomic nerve control of the nasal mucosa. Rhinol Suppl. 1992;14:176-80. [PubMed] 
  • Anggard A. The effect of prostaglandins on nasal airway resistance in man. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1969;78(3):657-62.
  • Anggard A. Basic mechanisms in autonomic nervous responses in specific and nonspecific nasal hyperreactivity.Acta Otolaryngol. 1993;113(3):394-6. [PubMed] 
  • Babin RW. A review of the autonomic control of nasal function. Ear Nose Throat J. 1977;56(11):443-9.
  • Baraniuk JN. Neural control of human nasal secretion. Pulm Pharmacol. 1991;4(1):20-31. [PubMed]
  • Bende M, Elner A, Ohlin P. The effect of provoked reaction and histamine on nasal mucosal blood flow in human. acta Otolaryntol 1984;99:99-104.
  • Bernstein JM. The role of autonomic nervous system and inflammatory mediators in nasal hyperreactivity: a review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1991;105(4):596-607. [PubMed]
  • Cauna N, Hinderer KH. Fine structure of blood vessels of the human nasal respiratory mucosa. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1969;78(4):865-79.
  • Cauna N. Blood and nerve supply of the nasal lining. En: The nose. Upper airway physiology and the atmospheric enviroment. amsterdam: elsevier Biomedical Press; 1982. pp 45-46.
  • Cole Ph. Erectile mucosa. En: The respiratory role of the upper airways. St. Lous: Mosby Year Book, Inc; 1993. pp 20-31.
  • Folkow B. Nervous control of the blood vessels. Physiol Rev. 1955;35(3):629-63.
  • Ishii T. The cholinergic innervation of the human nasal mucosa. A histochemical study. Pract Otorhinolaryngol (Basel). 1970;32(3):153-8.
  • Guerrier Y, Uziel A. Physiologie nasale respiratoire et troubles fonctionnels. Encycl Med Chir (París) Oto Rhino Laryngologie 20290 A10 (12-1978).
  • Houbeau C, Sulon J, Demey-Dorsar, Melon J. Secretion du cortisol et de la methylprenisolone par la mucqueuse nasale. Acta Oto Rhino Laryngl Bel 1986;40:582-591.
  • Klaassen AB, van Megen YJ, Kuijpers W, van den Broek P. Autonomic innervation of the nasal mucosa. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1988;50(1):32-41. [PubMed]
  • Myging N. Fisiologia aplicada de la nariz. En: Alergía nasal. Barcelona: Salvat Editores S.A.; 1982. pp 37-51.  
  • Nomura Y, Matsuura T. Distribution and clinical significance of the autonomic nervous system in the human nasal mucosa. Acta Otolaryngol. 1972;73(6):493-501.
  • Tai CF, Baraniuk JN: Upper airway neurogenic mechanisms. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2002, 2:11-19. [PubMed]


   Capítulo 6.   Fisiología respiratoria nasal.

  • Andersen L, Lundqvist G, Proctor DF. Human nasal mucosa funtion under controlled humidities. Amer Rev Resp Dis 1972;106:438-449.
  • Cole Ph. Upper respiratory airflow. En: Ther nose. Upper airway phisiology and the atmospheric environment. amsterdam. elservier Biomedical Press. 1982; 136-182.
  • Cole Ph. The nasal cycle. En: The respiratory role of the upper aiurways. St. Louis: Mosoby Year Book, Inc; 1993. pp 42-46.
  • Dallimore N, Eccles R. changes in human nasal resitence associated with esercise, hyperventilation and rebreathing. Acta Oto Laryngo 1977;84:416-421.
  • Doorly D, Taylor DJ, Franke J, Schroter RC. Experimental investigation of nasal airflow. Proc. IMechE 2008, Part H, J. Engineering in Medicine, 2008;222: 439–453.
  • Eccles R. Studies on the nsal cycle in the immobilized pig. J Physiol 1975;247:1p.
  • Habesoglu M, Demir K, Yumusakhuylu AC, Yilmaz AS, Oysu C. Does passive smoking have an effect on nasal mucociliary clearance? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012;147(1):152-6.
  • Ishii J, Ishii T, Ito M. The nasal cycle in patients with autonomic nervous disturbance. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1993;506:51-6. [PubMed] 
  • Kayser R. die exacte Messung der Lufdurchgangikeit der Nase. Arch Laryngol 1895;3:101-120.
  • Mink P. The nose as a means of breathing, Presse Otolaryngol Belge. 1903; 21:481.
  • Stocksted P. The physiologic cycle of the nose under normal and pathologic conditions. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1952;42:175-179.
  • Yu S, Liu Y, Sun X, Li S. Influence of nasal structure on the distribution of airflow in nasal cavity. Rhinology, 2008;46:137–143.
  • Zhao K, Dalton P, Yang GC, Scherer PW. Numerical modeling of turbulent and laminar airflow and odorant transport during sniffing in the human and rat nose. Chem. Senses, 2006;31: 107–118.


   Capítulo 7.   Fisiología respiratoria nasal: función de acondicionamiento y defensa.

  • Balfour-Lynn IM, Valman B, Silverman M, Webster AD. Nasal IgA response in wheezy infants. Arch Dis Child. 1993;68(4):472-6. [PubMed] 
  • Crifo S, Russo M. IgA transport mechanism through the human nasal mucosa: an immunoenzymatic ultrastrutural study. Acta Otolaryngol. 1980;89(3-4):214-21. [PubMed]
  • Ingelstedt S. Humidifying capacity of the nose. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1970;3:475-480.
  • Proctor D. The upper airways. Nasal physiology and the defense ot the lungs. Am Rev Respir Dis 1977;115:97-129.


   Capítulo 8. Fisiología de los senos paranasales.

  • Donald PJ, Gluckman JL, Rice DH. The sinuses. Editorial Raven Press. New York. 1995.
  • Fabra Llopis JM. Rinomanometria. Tratado de Otorrinolaringología y cirugia de cabeza y cuello. Tomo I. C. Suárez y cols. Editorial Proyectos Médicos SL. Madrid. 1999: 422-430.
  • Griffa A, Berrone M, Boffano P, Viterbo S, Berrone S. Regarding "Mucociliary function during maxillary sinus floor elevation". J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Jul;23(4):1228-9. [PubMed]
  • Hosemann W, Graf S. Flujo mucociliar en las fosas nasales y los senos paranasales. Tratado de Otorrinolaringología y cirugia de cabeza y cuello. Tomo I. C. Suárez y cols. Editorial Proyectos Médicos SL. Madrid. 1999:373-380.
  • Rennie CE, Hood CM, Blenke EJ, Schroter RS, Doorly DJ, Jones H, Towey D, Tolley NS. Physical and computational modeling of ventilation of the maxillary sinus. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011;145(1):165-70.
  • Van Alyea OE. Frontal sinus drainage. Ann Otol Rhin and Laryng 1946;55:267.