Rama del nervio facial que tiene su origen en la tercera porción del acueducto de Falopio y va a inervar el mússculo del estribo.   Sinónimos: nervio estapedial.
   <(A.): Nervus stapedius: Er löst sich vom vertikalen Segment des Nervus facialis und zieht durch die dünne Knochenwand, die diesen Muskel vom Gesichtskanal trennt, zum Musculus stapedius.
   <(F.): Nerf stapédien: il se détache du segment vertical du nerf facial et se rand au muscle stapédien à travers la mince paroi osseuse que sépare ce muscle du canal facial.
   <(In.): Nerve to stapedius muscle: origin: facial nerve in stylomastoid canal This nerve takes its origin from the facial nerve as that nerve passes through the stylomastoid (facial) canal behind the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity. It then runs forwards in the a small canal to reach the muscle which it supplies. Branches: muscular branch to stapedius. Fontional components: SVE fibers to stapedius. Root: Motor nucleus of (facial) nucleus) at the floor of 4th ventricle in lower pons.