Escrito por Dr. Jesús García Ruiz-Otorrinoweb.com
Nervus vestíbulo-cochlearis: VIII par craneal. Está formado por el nervio vestibular, que proviene de las máculas otolíticas y de las crestas y por el nervio acústico que se origina en el órgano de Corti. Se introduce en el conducto auditivo interno y atraviesa la porción más interna del hueso temporal. Finaliza conectando con diversos núcleos situados en el tronco cerebral.
<(A): Nervus statoacusticus, Nervus vestibularis-cochlearis: Nerv, der Informationen vom Innenohr zum Gehirn leitet. 8. Zusammentreffen zweier Nerven: (1) des Vestibularnervs, dessen Verletzung labyrinthischen Schwindel, Gleichgewichtsstörungen, Störungen des Tonus und der Haltungsanpassungen und Nystagmus verursacht; (2) des Cochlea-Nervs, dessen Verletzung konduktive und sensorineurale Taubheit verursacht.
<(F): Nerf statoacoustique, nerf vestibule-cochléaire: nerf qui véhicule les informations de l’oreille interne au cerveau. 8éme nerf cranien; nerf auditif; nerf acoustique. Juxtaposition de deux nerfs: 1) nerf vestibulaire dont la lésion entraîne un vertige labyrinthique, le déséquilibre, les troubles du tonus et des adaptations posturales et le nystagmus; 2) le nerf cochléaire dont la lésion cause une surdité de transmission et de perception.
<(Ing): Statoacoustic nerve; vestibulocochlear nerve: 8th cranial nerve; VIII nerve responsible for the sense of hearing and balance (body position sense). Origin:inner ear. Course and distribution: this nerve emerges from the brain stem at the cerebellopontine angle, behind the facial nerve, with the nervus intermedius intervening between the two. It begins at the inner ear as a single nerve but having two components. The vestibular portion arises from the vestibular ganglia, scattered in the in the internal acoustic meatus, which it enters accompanied by the facial nerve and the labyrinthine artery. Its peripheral receptors are placed distal to the ganglia in the maculae of the utricle and saccule that mediate static balance and the ampullae of the semicircular canals, which mediate kinetic balance. The fibers that arise from the cochlear apparatus issue as central processes of the bipolar neurons whose cell bodies are placed in the spiral ganglion. Their peripheral receptors lie in the hair cells of the organ of Corti. The two components join together (cochlear and vestibular) to form the 8th nerve proper at the inner aspect of the internal acoustic meatus, after piercing the dura and arachnoid maters. They will transverse the meatus, accompanied by the facial nerve, nervus intermedius, and the labyrinthine artery. They will enter the medulla oblongata at the cerebellopontine angle, to be distributed to their various nuclear groups. These nerves are wholly sensory.