Nervus infratrochlearis: proviene del nervio nasociliar justo antes de que entre en la parte frontal del foramen etmoidal (apertura ósea), corre a lo largo hasta que se le une un filamento del nervio supratroclear y luego pasa al ángulo interno del ojo e inerva la piel de los párpados, un lado de la nariz, la conjuntiva y el conducto lagrimal. 
   Sinónimos: nervio nasal externo.
   <(A.): Nervus infratrochlearis: wird unter dem oberen Schrägmuskel nach vorne geführt, erreicht den medialen Augenwinkel und verteilt sich dort in Tränenästen für die Tränen-, Nasenhaut und Tränenwege.
   <(F.): Nerf infra-trochléaire: se porte en avant sous le muscle oblique supérieur, parvient à l’angle médial de l’oeil et s’y épanouit en rameaux lacrymaux pour les voies lacrymales, nasaux pour la peau du nez et palpébraux.
   <(In.): Infratrochlear nerve: origin, nasociliary nerve from ophthalmic nerve; branches palpebral rami; distribution, skin of root and upper bridge of nose and lower eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal duct; modality, general sensory. Course and distribution: this is a branch of the nasociliary nerve which takes its origin from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. It is given off as the nasociliary nerve approaches the anterior ethmoidal foramen. It then runs above the medial rectus muscles  where it receives a communicating twig from the supratrochlear nerve. It escapes from the orbit below the trochlea and emerges on the skin of the medial aspect of the upper eye lid above the lacrimal sac. It is distributed to the skin of the eyelids and the lateral side of the nose. It also supplies the conjunctiva, and lacrimal sac. Branches: cutaneous branches. Root: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve at floor of fourth ventricle of the pons.