Nervus petrosus major: nace como rama del nervio facial a nivel del ganglio geniculado, atraviesa el hiato de Falopio recorriéndolo hasta el agujero rasgado anterior. Se anastomosa con el nervio petroso profundo mayor rama del glosofaringeo y al juntarse ambos forman el nervio del conducto peterigoideo. Esta rama pertenece a fibras del intermediario y son parasimpáticas secretoras.
   Sinónimos: Raíz parasimpática del ganglio pterigopalatino.
   <(F.):Nerf grand pétreux superficiel: issu du nerf facial destiné au ganglion ptérygopalatin. Constitue la racine parasympathique du ganglion ptérygopalatin.
   <(In.): Greater petrosal nerve: origin, facial nerve at its genicular ganglion Course and diustribution: this nerve begins at the genicular ganglion of the facial nerve and collects two types of fibers to make its own components: taste fibers whose peripheral processes are from the palatine mucosa; preganglionic fibers which are to relay in the pterygopalatine ganglion. They have their roots in the superior salivatory nucleus, associated with the facial nerve nucleus in the lower pons. They are secretomotor fibers for nasal, palatine, and lacrimal glands; branch of the tympanic plexus. After gathering its fibers, the nerve proceeds through the anterior surface of petrous temporal bone to reach the foramen lacerum by passing under the trigeminal ganglion. At this foramen lacerum, the greater petrosal nerve is joined by the deep petrosal nerve, which is a gathering of postganglionic sympathetic fibers that run on the internal carotid artery, to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal. The nerve of the pterygoid canal passes immediately through this canal to enter the pterygopalatine ganglion. From this the palatine taste fibers pass uninterrupted to reach the palatine mucosa. Branches: Mucosal branches. Fiber types: SVA, which mediate taste and relay in the nucleus of tractus solitarius; GVE, which supply secretomotor fibers to salivary, lacrimal, nasal and palatine glands from the superior salivatory nucleus. Root: floor of the 4th ventricle in the lower pons.