Sinónimo: lámina basilar.
<(A): Basilarmembran: Membran des Innenohrs, die sich in der Cochlea befindet und zwischen den inneren und äußeren Spiralblättern gespannt ist. Die Basilarmembran ist etwa 25-35 mm lang und etwa 0,003 mm dick. Seine Breite variiert, je nachdem, ob man die Basis (ca. 0,04 mm) oder den Apex (ca. 0,36 mm) betrachtet. Die Basilarmembran dient als Stütze für das Corti-Organ, das Empfänger der Schwingungen ist. Die Basilarmembran bildet zusammen mit der Reissner-Membran einen dreieckigen Kanal, den sogenannten Cochlea-Kanal.
<(F): Membrana basilaire: membrane de l'oreille interne située dans la cochlée et tendue entre la lame spirale interne et la lame spirale externe. La membrane basilaire a une longueur d'environ 25 à 35 mm et une épaisseur d'environ 0,003 mm. Sa largeur varie selon que l'on considère la base (environ 0,04 mm) ou l'apex (environ 0,36 mm). La membrane basilaire sert de support à l'organe de Corti, lequel est le récepteur des vibrations. La membrane basilaire forme, avec la membrane de Reissner, un canal de forme triangulaire appelé canal cochléaire.
<(Ing): Basilar membrane: the cochlea, or organ of hearing, is a spiral chamber. It is divided, longitudinally, into two thinner tubes (the scala vestibuli and scala tympani) by the cochlear partition. The cochlear partition is itself a duct, triangular in cross section, bounded on the shortest side by the outer wall of the cochlear wall, by Reissner's membrane, and on the third side a combination of a bony shelf and the basilar membrane. The bony shelf is cantilevered out from the modiolus, or centre-post, of the spiral chamber formed by the cochlea. The bony shelf starts wide near the oval and round windows at one end of the cochlear spiral, and narrows down towards the helicotrema, an opening at the other end of the cochlea's spiral tube that joins the two perilymph-filled scala. Thus the basilar membrane starts off narrow by the windows, and becomes progressively wider towards the helicotrema, since the tuve forming the cochlea is fairly constant in diameter. The basilar membrane is about 3.5 cm long and varies in width from 0.1 mm at the window end to 0.5 mm at the helicotrema end, making about 2.5 turns in the spiral. The scala are about 2 mm in diameter throughout. Bekesy remarks sanguinely that "it is difficult to carry out experiments with dimensions as small as these." The basilar memberane bears, on its inner surface, the organ of Corti, which activates the sensitive hair cells and hence generates nerve pulses to the brain.
- NCBI: Entrez. <(Ing)