Enfermedad producida por un parásito del género Habronema. Se conoce la habronemiasis de la conjuntiva, observada en el caballo en Australia.

   Sinónimos: habronemosis.

   <(F.): Habronémose: maladie causée par un parasite du genre Habronema. On connaît l' habronémose cutanée et celle de la conjonctive, maladie observée chez le cheval aux États-Unis, en Inde, au Brésil, aux Philippines et en Australie.

   <(In.): Habronemiasis: a disease of horses caused by the nematodes Habronema muscae, H. majus and Draschia megastoma. Conjunctival habronemiasis: granulomatous lesions caused by invasion by Habronema spp. larvae occurring on the third eyelid, or the eyelid proper, or on the conjunctiva of the medial canthus. Cutaneous habronemiasis is manifested by granulomatous lesions caused by the invasion of skin wounds or excoriations by the larvae of Habronema spp. and Draschia megastoma. See also swamp cancer. Called also summer sore, bursati, granular dermatitis and jack sores. Gastric habronemiasis: large granulomatous masses in the gastric mucosa caused by invasion by Draschia megastoma larvae. They are usually clinically silent unless perforation of the gastric wall occurs. The larvae of Habronema majus and H. muscae cause mild gastritis but without the formation of tumors.