Variedad de radioterapia que utiliza los rayos gamma emitidos por el radio o los radioisótopos artificiales como el cobalto 60.
   <(F.): Gammathérapie: variété de radiothérapie utilisant les rayons g émis par le radium ou les radio-isotopes artificiels comme le cobalt 60.
   <(In.): Gammatherapy: curie therapy, the complex of radiation therapy methods which gamma radiation of radioactive isotopes and other sources is used. The biological effect of radiation is a function of the quantity of emitted energy absorbed the dose. Dose distribution in the patient’s body depends upon gamma-radiation energy, beam geometry, and the radiation method used. High energy gamma radiation reaches deeply located tumors with considerably greater doses, a maximum energy of 250,000 electron volts, than does X-ray radiation, while simultaneously leaving superficial organs and tissues unaffected.