Globus pallidus: parte más pequeña e interna del núcleo lenticular del cerebro, separado del putamen por la lámina medular medial. En la nomenclatura anatómica oficial, está dividido por la lámina medular medial en dos partes, lateral y medial.
    <(F.): Globus pallidus, ancien pallidum: structure cérébrale qui est impliquée, avec le thalamus et d’autres régions du cerveau, dans le contrôle moteur. Situé en dedans du putamen.
   <(In.): Globus pallidus, pale globe: is part of the basal ganglia, and together with the Putamen. The lateral globus pallidus although related to the hypothalamus and midbrain, is in many respects coextensive and appears to merge with the putamen giving the entire structure the appearance of a camera lens. Hence the globus pallidus and the putamen are referred to as the lenticular nucleus ("lens"). The lateral and medial globus pallidus are also intimately related to the amgydala, receiving massive input from this structure but providing little in return.