Tumor maligno, poco frecuente, de crecimiento lento, que se produce en el esqueleto axial a partir de restos embrionarios.
<(F.): Chordome: tumeur malign rare se développant à partir des reliquats embryonnaires de la notochorde du squelette axial.
<(In.): Chordoma: is a rare malignant tumor that arises from notochord remnants. Account for 1 to 4% of all bone tumors.l They occur in older adults with the highest prevalence in the fifth to seventh decade. The ratio of male to female is two to one. Due to their origin in the notochord, chordomas occur in the mid-line of the axial skeleton. One half of cases occur in the sacrococcygeal region and one third occur at the base of the skull. Other rare sites include transverse processes of vertebrae and the paranasal sinuses.