Cáncer de cabeza y cuello.
JJ Cruz Hernandez. CA Rodríguez Sánchez, E Fonseca Sánchez, E del Barco Morillo. 1ª Ed.
124 pp. ISBN: 8486725712 / 9788486725716.
Plaza: Madrid. Editorial: Aran Ediciones S.L.
Head and Neck Cancer: An Evidence-based Team Approach.
Eric M Genden, Mark A Varvares. 1ª Ed.
256 pp / 5009 KB. ISBN: 3131393610 / 978-3131393616. ASIN: B005VHBQFA. Editorial: Thieme.
Idioma: INGLES
Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Outcomes.
Elisabeth C. Ward, Corina J. van As-Brooks.
ISBN: 159756018 / 978597560610.
Editorial: Plural Publishing. Inc. San Diego.
Idioma: INGLES
100 Q & A About Head and Neck Cancer.
Elise Carper, Kenneth S Hu, Elena Kuzin. 1ªEd.
120 pp. ISBN: 0763743070 / 9780763743079.
Editorial: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc..
Idioma: INGLES