Capítulo 1. Exploracion de la voz: examen foniátrico.
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Hsiung MW, Lu P, Kang BH, Wang HW. Measurement and validation of the voice handicap index in voicedisordered patients in Taiwan. Laryngol Otol 2003; 117(6):478-81.
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Capitulo 2: Exploración de la voz examen instrumental.
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Capítulo 3. Disfonías funcionales.
Aronson AE. Clinical Voice Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Third Edition. Thieme Inc, New York 1990;20-28,41-75,102-28.
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Capítulo 4. Disfonias funcionales hipercinéticas.
Aronson AE. Clinical Voice Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Third Edition. Thieme Inc,New York 1990;20-28,41-75,102-28.
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Capítulo 5. Disfonias funcionales hipocinéticas.
Carding PN, Horsley IA, Docherty GJ. The effectiveness of voice therapy for patients with non-organic dysphonia. Clin Otolaryngol 1998;23(4):310-8.
Capítulo 6. Voz de bandas.
McKenzie K, Millar A, Wilson JA, Sellars C, Deary IJ. Is voice therapy an effective treatment for dysphonia? A randomised controlled trial 2001;22;323:658-61.
Nemetz MA, Pontes PA, Vieira VP, Yazaki RK. Vestibular fold configuration during phonation in adults with and without dysphonia. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2005;71(1):6-12.
Capítulo 7. Disfonias psicógenas.
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