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   Capítulo 1.   Introducción.
  • Cabezudo L. Exploración clínica de la nariz, fosas nasales y senos paranasales. En: Cabezudo L. Rinolaringología básica. Barcelona: Doyma, 1992; 155-66.
  • Wageman, W. K. Anatomia, Fisiologia y exploration de las fosas nasales y los senos paranasales. Tratado de Otorrinolaringologia, 1, 43-52.
    Capítulo 2.   Examen físico y rinoscopia.
  • Ademá JM, Masseguer H, Bernal M, Sprekelsen C. Cirugia endoscópica nasosinusal. Madrid: Garsi, 1994; 87-96.
  • Bray D. An innovative approach to anterior rhinoscopy. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2004;118(05), 366-367.
  • McCarthy Te. Rhinoscopy. Vet Clin North Amer 1990; 20: 1265-1289.
  • Noone KE. Rhinoscopy, Pharingoscap y and Laryngoscopy. Vet Clin North Amer 2001; 31: 671-689.
  • Rohr, A. S., Spector, S. L., Siegel, S. C., Katz, R. M., & Rachelefsky, G. S. (1984). Rhinoscopy in the evaluation of rhinitis. In NER Allergy Proc (Vol. 5, p. 152).
   Capítulo 3.   Endoscopia nasal.
  • Benninger MS. Nasal endoscopy: its role in office diagnosis. American journal of rhinology, 1997;11(2), 177-180.
  • Fang C, Cesmeci D, Gumprecht JD, Strauss G, Lueth TC. First clinical application of a robotics-based hand-held manipulator to steer a flexible endoscope in rhinoscopy. In IEEE-ICBBE 2012, The 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 49-53).
  • Druce H M, Ledford, DK. Fiberoptic rhinoscopy. Clinical allergy and immunology, 2000;15, 233.
  • Georgitis J, Druce HM, Goldstein S, Meltzer EO, Okuda M, Selner JC, etal. Rhinopharyngolaryngoscopy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1993;91:961–962 MEDLINE
  • Gordon MJ, Mayes GR, Meyer GW. Topical lidocaine in preendoscopic medication. Gastroenterology 1976;71(4):564–569.
  • Hu CT. Gauze pledgetting versus endoscopic-guided aerosolized spray for nasal anesthesia before transnasal EGD: a prospective randomized study. Gastrointest Endosc 2010;71(1):11–20.
  • Hughes RG, Jones NS. The role of nasal endoscopy in outpatient management. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1998;23(3):224– 226
  • Kennedy DW, Zinreich J, Rosenbaum AE, Johns ME. FESS theory and diagnostic evaluation. Arch Otolaryngol  1985;111:576–582
  • Kennedy D, Senior B. Endoscopic sinus surgery: a review. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1997;30:313–330  MEDLINE
  • Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich. Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and management, 2012; p 611
  • Levine HL.Office diagnosis of nasal and sinus disorder using rigid nasal endoscopy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg  1990;102: 370–373.
  • Levine HL. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: evaluation, surgery, and follow-up of 250 patients. Laryngoscope. 1990;100:79–84. MEDLINE
  • Melon J, Daele J. Les explorations fontionnelles et endoscopiques en rhinologie. Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryng. 1979;33:629-872.
  • Panel PH, Minoli JJ, Rohrich RJ (1997) Diagnostic nasal endoscopy. Plast Reconstr Surg 99(5):1451–1458.
  • Selner J. Visualization techniques in the nasal airway: their role in the diagnosis of upper airway disease and measurement of therapeutic response. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1988;82:909–916. MEDLINE
  • Selner J, Koepke J. Rhinolaryngoscopy in the allergy office. Ann Allergy. 1985;54:479–482  MEDLINE
  • Stammberger HR (1991) Functional endoscopic sinus surgery. BC Decker, Philadelphia.
   Capítulo 4.   Estudio por imagen.
  • Ademá JM, Massegur H, Bernal M, Sprekelsen C. Cirugía Endoscópica Nasosinusal. Ponencia oficial de la XXXI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de ORL y Patología Cérvico-Facial Madrid, 9-12 de noviembre de 1994.
  • Babbel R, Harnsberger HR, Nelson B, Sonkens J, Hunt S. Optimization of techniques in screening CT of the sinuses. AJNR 1991; 12:849-54.
  • Cohen D, Konak S. The evaluation of radiographs of the nasopharynx.Clin. Otolaryrtgol. 1985 10: 73-78.
  • Johabbsson S. Roentgenologic investigation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil in children of different ages - Acta. Radiol1968;7 299-304.
  • Gomes ACP, Mendonça RA, Haetinger RG. Tomografia Computadorizada do Nariz, Seios Paranasais e Estruturas Correlatas. In: Stamm A (ed). Microcirurgia Naso-Sinusal. Rio de Janeiro, Revinter. 1995;79-89.
  • Lazar RH, Younis RT, Long TE. Functional endonasal sinus surgery in adults and children. Laryngoscope 1993;103:1–5.
  • Lindemann J, Brambs HJ, Keck T, Wiesmiller K, Rettinger G, Pless D. Numerical simulation of intranasal airflow after radical sinus surgery. American Journal of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Medicine and Surgery, 2005;26: 175–180.
  • Rao VM, El-Noueam KI. Sinonasal imaging. Anatomy and pathology. Radiol Clin North Am 1998;36:921-39.
  • Som PM,Lidov M. The significance of sinunasal radiodensities: ossification, calcification, or residual bone? Am J Radiol. 1994;15:917-22.
  • Sun S, Qiu L, Yu P. Computed Tomography of the Ethmoid Labyrinth and Adjacent Structures. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi 1996;31:240-3.
  • Zinreich S J. Paranasal sinus imaging. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery: official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 1990;103(5 (Pt 2)), 863.
   Capítulo 05. Anatomía radiográfica de los senos paranasales.
  • Ali A, Kurien M, Shyamkumar NK, Anterior Skull Base: High Risk Areas in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in chronic rhinosinusitis: A Computed Tomographic Analysis. Indian Journal of otolaringology and Head and Neck Surgery 2005. 57:1-8.
  • Bolger WE, Butzin CA, Parsons DS. Paranasal sinus bony anatomic variations and mucosal abnormalities. CT analysis for endoscopic sinus surgery. Laryngoscope 1991;101:56-64.
  • Cassady JV. Developmental anatomy of the naso-lacrimal duct. Arch Ophthalmol 1952;47:141–58.
  • Caughey RJ, Jameson MJ, Gross CW, Han JK. Anatomic Risk Factors for Sinus Disease: Fact or Fiction? Am J Rhinol 2005. 19:334-9.
  • Chong VFH, Fan YF, Lau D, Sethi DS. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: what radiologists need to know. Clinical Radiology 1998; 53:650-8.
  • Cooke LD, Hadley D. MRI of the paranasal sinuses: Incidental abnormalities and their relationship to symptoms. J Laryngol Otol 1991; 05:278-281.
  • Gordts F, Clement PAR, Buisseret T. Prevalence of paranasal sinus abnormalities on MRI in a non-ENT population. ORL 1996;58:315-319.
  • Gordts F, Clement PAR, Destryker A, Desprechins B, Kaufman L Prevalence of sinusitis signs on MRI in a non-ENT paediatric population. Rhinology 1997;35:154-157.
  • Havas TE, Motbey JA, Gullane PJ. Prevalence of incidental abnormalities on computed tomographic scans of the paranasal sinuses. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;114:856-859.
  • Hudgins PA, Browning DG, Gallups J, Gussack GS, Peterman SB, Davis PC et al. Endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery: radiographic evaluation of severe complications. AJNR 1992;13:1161-7.
  • Jones TM, Almahdi JM, Bhalla RK, Lewis-Jones H, Swift AC. The Radiological Anatomy of the Anterior Skull Base.
  • Kearney SE, Jones P, Meakin K, Garvey CJ. CT scanning of the paranasal sinuses--the effect of reducing mAs. Br J Radiol. 1997;70:1071-4.
  • Kim SS, Lee JG, Kim KS, Kim HU, Chung IH, Yoon JH. Computed Tomographic And Anatomical Analysis of The Basal Lame-llas in The Ethmoid Sinus. Laryngoscope 2001;111:424-9.
  • Laine FJ, Smoker WRK. The ostiomeatal unit and endoscopic surgery: anatomy, variations, and imaging findings in inflamatory diseases. AJR 1992;159:849-57.
  • Lebowits RA, Terck A, Jacobs JB, Holliday RA. Asymmetry of the Ethmoid Roof. Analysis Using Coronal Computed Tomography. Laryngoscope 2001;111:2122-4.
  • Ludwick JJ, Taber KH, Manolidis S, Sarna A, Hayman LA. A computed tomographic guide to endoscopic sinus surgery: axial and coronal views. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002;26:317–322. MEDLINE
  • Mafee MF. Endoscopic sinus surgery: role of the radiologist. AJNR 1991;12:855-60.
  • Mafee MF. Preoperative imaging anatomy of nasal-ethmoid complex for functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Radiol Clin North Am 1993; 31:1-20.
  • Melhem ER, Oliverio PJ, Benson ML, Leopold DA, Zinreich J. Optimal CT evaluation for functional endoscopic sinus surgery. AJNR 1996;17:181-8.
  • Meloni F, Mini R, Rovasio S, Stomeo F, Teatini GP. Anatomic variations of surgical importance in ethmoid labyrinth and sphenoid sinus. A study of radiological anatomy. Surg Radiol Anat 1992;14:65-70.
  • Moon HJ, Kim HU, Lee JG, Chung H, Yoon JH. Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Ethmoidal Canal in Ethmoid Roof. Laryngoscope 2001;111:900-4.
  • Moser FG, Panush D, Rubin JS, Honigsberg RM, Sprayregen S, Eisig B. Incidental paranasal abnormalities on MRI of the brain. Clin Radiol 1991;43:252-254.
  • Pollei S, Harnsberger HR. The radiologic evaluation of the sinonasal region. Post Radiol 1989;9: 242-264.
  • Scuderi AJ, Harnsberger HR, Boyer RS. Pneumatization of the paranasal sinuses: normal features of importance to the accurate interpretation of CT scans and MR images. AJR 1993;160: 1101-4.
  • Stammberger HR, Kennedy DW, eds. Paranasal sinuses: anatomic terminology and nomenclature. Ann Otol Rhinol Laringol suppl, 1995; 167:7-16.
  • Terrier F, Weber W, Ruefenacht D, Porcellini B. Anatomy of the ethmoid: CT, endoscopic, and macroscopic. AJNR 1985;6:77-84.
  • Zinreich SJ, Kennedy DW, Rosenbaum AE, Gayler BW, Kumar AJ, Stammberger H. Paranasal sinuses: CT imaging requirements for endoscopic surgery. Radiology 1987;163:769-75.
  • Zinreich SJ. Sinonasal cavities and osteomeatal complex I. Imaging of the osteomeatal complex for functional endoscopic sinus surgery. En: Som P ed. RSNA Special course in Head and Neck Imaging. 1996. p. 33-41.
   Capítulo 06. Rinomanometría y Rinometría.
  • Bailie N, Brendan H, Watterson J, Gallagher G. An overview of numerical modeling of nasal airflow. Rhinology, 2006;44: 53–57.Carney AS, Bateman ND, Jones NS.
  • Reliable and reproducible anterior active rhinomanometry for the assessment of unilateral nasal resistance. Clin Otolaryngol 2000 ; 25 :499-503.
  • Clement, P.A.R.; Committee report on standardization of rhinomanometry. Rhinology, 22: 151-5, 1984.
  • Clement PA, Gordts F. Consensus report of acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry. Rhinology 2005;43: 169-179.
  • Cole, P.; Havas, T.; Nasal resistance to respiratory airflow: a plethysmograph alternative to the face mask. Rhinology, 25: 159-66, 1987.
  • Corey JP, Gungor A, Nelson R, et al. Normative standards for nasal cross sectional area by race as measured by acoustic rhinometry. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;119:389-93.
  • Corey JP, Kemker BJ, Nelson R, et al. Evaluation of the nasal cavity by acoustic rhinometry in normal and allergic subjects. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997;117:22-8.
  • Corsten MJ, Bernard PA, Udjus K, Walker R. Nasal fossa dimensions innormalandnasally obstructed neonatesand infants: preliminary study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1996;36 :23-30.
  • Eccles, R.; Lancashire, B.; Tolley, N.S.; Experimental studies on nasal sensation of airflow. Acta Otolaryngol (Stock), 1987;103: 303-306.
  • Doorly D, Taylor J, Franke P, and R. C. Schroter, Experimental investigation of nasal airflow. Proc. IMechE 2008, Part H, J. Engineering in Medicine,2008;222:439–453.
  • Doorly DJ, Taylor DJ, Gambaruto AM, Schroter RC, Tolley N, Nasal architecture: form and flow. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 2008;366: 3225–3246.
  • Eccles R. Rhinomanometry and nasal challenge. In: Rhinitis, mechanisms and management. Ed by lan Mackay. Royal Society of Medicine Services Limited.London. 1989: 53-67.
  • Fisher, E.W.; Scadding, G.K.; Lund, V.J.; The role of acoustic rhinometry in studying the nasal cycle. Rhinology, 1993;31: 57-61.
  • Fouke, J.M.; Jackson, A.C.; Acoustic rhinometry: effects of decongestants and posture on nasal patency. J Lab Cli Med, 1992;9: 371-376.
  • Gordon, A.S.D.; McCaffrey, T.V.; Kern, E.B.; Pallanch, J.F.; Rhinomanometry for preoperative and postoperative assessment of nasal obstruction. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 1989;101: 20-26.
  • Grillo C, La Mantia I, Triolo C, Scollo A, LaBoria A, Intelisano G et al. Rhinomanometric and olfactometric variations throughout the menstrual cycle. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2001;110:785-789.
  • Grymer LF, Hilberg O, Pedersen OF, et al. Acoustic rhinometry: values from adults with subjective normal nasal patency. Rhinology 1991;29:35-47.
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  • Grymer, LF, Hilberg O, Pedersen O, Rasmussen TR. Acoustic rhinometry: values from adultswith subjective normal nasal patency. Rhinology, 1991;29:35-47.
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  • Hilberg O, Jensen FT, Pedersen OF. Nasal airway geometry: comparison between acoustic reflections and magnetic resonance scanning. J Appl Physiol, 1993;75: 2811-9.
  • Hilberg O, Pedersen OF. Acoustic rhinometry: recomendations for technical specifications and standard operating procedures. Rhinology 2000;16:3-18.
  • Hirschberg A, Rezek O. Correlation between objective and subjective assessments of nasal patency. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 1998; 60:206-211.
  • Kim CS, Moon BK, Jung DH, Min Y, Correlation between nasal obstruction symptoms and objective parameters of acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry. Auris Nasus Larynx, 1998;25;45-48
  • Lenders H, Pirsig W. Diagnostic value of acoustic rhinometry: patients with allergic and vasomotor rhiniits compared with normal controls. Rhinology, 1990; 28: 5-16.
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  • Mir N, Barceló XB, Diez S. Evaluación diagnostica de las deformidades septopiramidales. Nuestra casuística. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp, 2003;54:339-346.
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  • Roithmann R, Cole P, Chapnik J. et al.: A correlative study of acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry and the sensation of nasal patency. J Otolaryngol, 1994.
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  • Szucs E, Clement PA. Acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry in the evaluation of nasal patency of patients with nasal septal deviation. Am J Rhinol 1998;12:345-52.
   Capítulo 07  Obtención de muestras nasales.
  • Arzuaga OJ, Segura MNH, Martínez Cairo-Cueto S. Evaluación de los eosinófilos en el moco nasal de pacientes con rinitis alérgica perenne durante la prueba de provocación nasal. Rev Alergia Mex 1993;40(6):139-41.
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  • Jean R, Delacourt C, Rufin P, Pfister A, Waernessyckle S, DeBlic J, et al. Nasal cytology in rhinitis children: comparison between brushing and blowing the nose. Allergyl 1996;51:923-924.
  • Kingdom TT, Delgaudio JM. Endoscopic approach to lesions of the sphenoid sinus, orbital apex, and clivus. Am J Otolaryngol  2003;24: 317–322.
  • Lee HS, Majima Y, Sakakura Y, Shinogi J, Kawaguchi S, Kim BW.. Quantitative cytology of nasal secretions under various conditions. The Laryngoscope, 1993;103(5), 533-537.
  • Levy MA, Gleich JG, Sandborn JW, Tremaine JW, et al. Increased eosinophil granule proteins in gut lavage fluid from patients with inflammatory bowel diseasse. Mayo Clin Proc 1997;72:117-23.
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   Capítulo 08  Estudio de la función mucociliar.
  • Bush A., Cole P, Hariri M, Mackay I, Phillips G, O'callaghan C, Warner JO.. Primary ciliary dyskinesia: diagnosis and standards of care. European Respiratory Journal, 1996;12(4), 982-988.
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  • Schidlow DV. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (the immotile cilia syndrome). Annals of allergy, 1994;73(6), 457-68.
   Capítulo 09  Semiología nasosinusal.
  • Barberán T, Sarría P. Exploración otorrinolaringológica en pediatría. En: AEP, editor. Curso de Actualización en Pediatría 2010. Madrid: Exlibris Ediciones 2010: 199-202
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  • Wallace DV, Dykewicz MS, Bernstein DI, Blessing-Moore J, Cox L, Khan DA, et al. The diagnosis and management of rhinitis: an updated practice parameter. JAllergy Clin Immunol 2008; 122:
  • Webber AL. Inflammatory Disease of the Paranasal Sinuses and Mucoceles. Otolaryngol Clin North AM 1988;21:421-560.